1. Log into your voicemail through the phone by pushing the voicemail button then the # sign.
2. Enter your extension number and then your password followed by the # sign. If you have never setup a voicemail password, try the default password of 1234. It will ask you to enter a new password if you used the default password of 1234. If you don't know your password you can place a Help Desk ticket to have your voicemail password reset to the default.
3. Press 1 to listen to your messages, you can delete messages by hitting the number 3 on your phone. If your mailbox is full, you can hit the number 3 repeatedly, without having to listen to each message, until all messages are deleted. Your mailbox will only hold 40 voicemail messages.
4. You will need to purge your deleted messages from the deleted Folder.
5. Access your voicemail again using the steps in 1 and 2 above.
6. Press 7 to access voicemail options.
7. Press 8 to purge deleted messages from the deleted Folder.
8. Press 1 to confirm your deletion of messages.