Mozilla Firefox 
Downloading and Installing Mozilla Firefox
Managing Pop-Ups in Mozilla Firefox
Managing Cookies in Mozilla Firefox
Clearing the Cache & History in Mozilla Firefox
Downloading and Installing Mozilla Firefox
Using your existing browser, navigate to
Click on Download Firefox button in the top right corner.
The download will begin automatically and save the install file to your default download location.
Once the download has completed, click the notification to open the file and begin installation.
If you see a User Account Control screen, click Yes to continue the installation.
The software will begin installation and the browser will open automatically when installation is complete.
Using your existing browser, navigate to
Click the Download Firefox button.
You may be presented with a screen asking you which type of Mac you have. Review the options and if you’re uncertain, follow the directions to confirm which type of Mac you have.
After you select which chip you have, you may encounter a security screen. Click Allow to confirm the download.
Your download should begin. You may notice it in multiple places; In the browser address bar and/or in the Dock in the Downloads folder:
Once the download has completed, you can launch the file from either place by clicking on the firefox 00.0.dmg file.
The firefox 00.0.dmg file will decompress and automatically launch the install screen.
Drag the Mozilla Firefox icon to the Applications folder icon and release.
The program will be copied/installed.
Once installation is complete you can locate Google Chrome via the Launcher.
Managing Pop-ups in Mozilla Firefox
By default, Mozilla Firefox automatically blocks pop-ups. When a pop-up is blocked, Firefox displays an information bar as well as an icon in the address bar.
When you click either the Options button in the info bar or the icon in the address bar, a menu is displayed with the following choices:
It is recommended that you only select Allow pop-ups for “this site” and only if you are certain that it is a trusted site.
Pop-up Blocker Settings
To access the pop-up blocker settings:
Click the menu button in the upper right-hand corner and select Options (Preferences in macOS.)
Select Privacy & Security on the left-hand side and scroll down to the Permissions section.
Uncheck the box next to Block pop-up windows to disable the pop-up blocker altogether.
A click on Exceptions… opens a dialog box with a list of sites that you want to allow to display pop-ups.
The dialog box offers you the following choices:
Allow: Click this to add a website to the exceptions list.
Remove Website: Click this to remove a website from the exceptions list.
Remove All Websites: Click this to remove all of the websites in the exceptions list.
Any site listed here will be allowed to display pop-ups.
Add (to allow pop-ups) or Remove (to disallow pop-ups) any sites and click the Save Changes button.
Close and then reopen the browser and attempt to access the site again.
Managing Cookies in Mozilla Firefox
Click the menu button and choose Options (Preferences in macOS.)
Select the Privacy & Security option on the right.
Scroll down to the Cookies and Site Data options, click Manage Exceptions.
Enter the web address, and select "Block," "Allow for Session," or "Allow".
Click Save Changes
Clearing the Cache & History in Mozilla Firefox
Click the menu button in the upper right-hand corner and choose Options (Preferences in macOS.)
Select Privacy & Security on the left-hand side.
Scroll down to the Cookies and Site Data section and click Clear Data.
Remove the check mark in front of Cookies and Site Data.
With Cached Web Content marked, click the Clear button.
Close the Options Tab. Close and reopen the browser to complete the process.
Automatically clear the cache
You can set Firefox to automatically clear the cache when Firefox closes:
Click the menu button in the upper right-hand corner and choose Options (Preference in macOS.)
Select Privacy & Security on the left-hand side and scroll down to the History section.
In the drop-down menu next to Firefox will, choose Use custom settings for history.
Select the check box for Clear history when Firefox closes.
Beside Clear history when Firefox closes, click the Settings… button.
The Settings for Clearing History window will open.
In the Settings for Clearing History window, put a check mark next to Cache. Do not check any other boxes.
For more information on the other options, see Delete browsing, search and download history on Firefox.
Click OK to close the Settings for Clearing History window.
Close the Options Tab. Close the browser and reopen it to complete the process.